Hire Shop

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Booking Instructions

1. Use the date selector to choose your booking dates (NB: 1 day = same day pick up/ return. 2 days = overnight hire etc)

2. Use the search bar or categories below to find the products you're after.

3. Select items

4. Choose quantity

5. Add to cart

6. View cart to add additional services such as delivery or set up

7. Checkout to fill in details and proceed to payment


Ready made party packages for every occasion.

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For birthday parties and other backyard events.

Click Here


For that special, once in a lifetime, day.

Click Here

Baby Showers

For baby showers and gender reveals.

Click Here


For a romantic night out or a group picnic with friends and family.

Click Here

MUA Services

A selection of affordable makeup services designed to help you get the perfect look for your next event.

Click Here